



  • 仅适用于WWW上的页面.plewtian.com网站;
  • does not apply to websites accessed from links on our site that may be controlled by a different agency or entity, whose practices are not under the 大学’s control;
  • shall not be interpreted as a contract of any nature, either stated or implied;
  • may be amended by the 大学 at any time without notice.


We protect our records in accordance with our obligations as defined by applicable Virginia statutes, 包括, 但不限于, the “Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act” Code of Virginia §2.2-3800等序列.,“弗吉尼亚信息自由法案”第2条.2-3700,等等.,以及任何适用的美国法律.S. 联邦法律.

Information We Collect, Including Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

The 大学 endeavors to collect only the minimum amount of information needed to provide its services. All information is collected and stored by the college through third-party software.


If you do nothing during your visit to the 买球app website but browse or download information, we automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  • the Internet domain and IP address from which you accessed our site;
  • the type of browser and operating system you used;
  • 您访问本网站的日期和时间;
  • the pages visited; and
  • if you linked from another website, the address of that website.


“饼干” are small files either stored on a server or sent back to a visiting computer. In certain applications user information is stored as “cookies,” which are then sent back to and stored on the user’s computer.

饼干 are used to aggregate site usage information to help us improve our users’ experience.


The information in our Web logs is not personally viewable and no attempt is made to link it with the individuals that browse our website.



  • 改进我们Web服务的内容
  • help us understand how people are using our pages
  • improve the value of the materials available on our site



  • send requested Web pages to your computer for viewing
  • 评估内容和服务器性能
  • provide summaries with contracted vendors who provide analytics when needed

我们可能无限期地保留您的信息, but we ordinarily delete routing information regularly after the Web page is transmitted. 然而, on rare occasions when a “hacker” attempts to breach computer security, logs of routing information are 保留ed to permit a security investigation and in such cases may be forwarded together with any other relevant information in our possession to law enforcement agencies.


We do collect personal information directly from individuals who volunteer to complete forms or participate in surveys. Collecting personal information is necessary in order for the 大学 to deliver the services requested. 我们只收, 保留, and use personal information where we believe it is essential to administer our business and to provide products, services and other opportunities requested by our customers.


Optional information is 保留ed in accordance with the records retention schedules at the Library of Virginia.


Under the “弗吉尼亚信息自由法案” (《买球app》), any records in our possession at the time of a “Freedom of Information Request” might be subject to inspection by or disclosure to members of the public. 然而, identifiable personal information will be removed prior to such release in accordance with 《买球app》.


If you have questions about this privacy statement or the practices of this website, or if you choose to review or correct any information you previously submitted, please contact the Vice President of Finance and Administration.


买球app provides its website, 目录, 手册, and any other printed materials or electronic media for your general guidance. The college does not guarantee that the information contained within them, 包括, 但不限于, the contents of any page that resides under the DNS registrations of brcc.Edu是最新的, 完整准确, and individuals assume any risks associated with relying upon such information without checking other credible sources, 比如学生的学术顾问. 除了, a student’s or prospective student’s reliance upon information contained within these sources, 或个别项目目录或手册, when making academic decisions does not constitute, 不应该被理解为, 与学院的合同. 进一步, the college reserves the right to make changes to any provision or requirement within these sources, 以及任何课程或项目的变化, whether during a student’s enrollment or otherwise. Links or references to other materials and websites provided in the above-referenced sources are also for information purposes only and do not constitute the college’s endorsement of products or services referenced.


All opinions expressed by individuals purporting to be a current or former student, 教师, 或者这个机构的工作人员, on websites not affiliated with 买球app, 社交媒体渠道, 博客或其他在线或传统出版物, are solely their opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or values of 买球app, 弗吉尼亚社区学院系统, 或者州立社区学院委员会, which do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for any such content.



(540) 234-9261
